The TP CLassic Golf League

In memory of our "Commish" David Stern

Wednesday Night @ Twin Ponds Golf & Country Club

Tee Off 3:30pm - 5:00pm



Home - Schedule - Standings & Weekly Games - Handicaps - Year Long Skins

Rules & Info - Contact Info - Playoffs - Outing Info - Accounting


Weekly News Letter 2020

Welcome to TPGCWNL.

We will review scores from the previous week and offer tid bits

of almost anything that's fit, or not fit to print.

If any of you would like to share anything of interest, and I mean anything,

feel free to let me know so we can get it to print.

On with the recaps.


Week 15


Week 14


Week 13


Week 12


Week 11


Week 10


Week 9


Week 8


Week 7


Week 6


Week 5


Week 2